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The choices you make about how you configure your disk storage will have a major impact on the performance and the uptime of your database. It s not a good idea to make storage device decisions in a vacuum; rather, you should consider your database applications and the type of database that is going to be located on the storage systems when making these decisions. For example, if you have a data warehouse, you may want your system administrator to use larger striping sizes for the disks. If you are going to have large numbers of writes to or reads from the database, you need to choose the appropriate disk configuration. Compared to the technologies of only a few years ago, today s ultra-sophisticated storage technologies make it possible to have both a high level of performance and high availability of data simultaneously. Still, you have plenty of choices to make that will have an impact on performance and availability. The nature of the I/Os, database caches, read/write ratios, and other issues are fundamentally different in OLTP and DSS systems. Also, response-time expectations are significantly different between OLTP and DSS systems. Thus, a storage design that is excellent for one type of database may be a terrible choice for another type, so you need to learn more about the operational needs of your application at the physical design stage to make smart choices in this extremely critical area.

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When setting up an Oracle system, you will typically make a formal request to the system administrator for physical disk space based on your sizing estimates and growth expectations for the database. Once the general space request is approved by the system administrator, he or she will give you the location of the mount points where your space is located. Mount points are directories on the system to which the file systems are mounted. You can then create all the necessary directories prior to the installation of the Oracle software and the creation of the database itself. Once space is assigned for your software and databases, it s your responsibility to keep track of its usage. If you seem to be running out of space, you will need to request more space from the system administrator. Ideally, you should always have some extra free disk space on the mount points assigned to you so you can allocate space to your database files if the need arises. There are a couple

One last use of external variables being passed to awk is related to potential problems with awk versions. In some cases, the versions of awk, nawk, or gawk handle the -v switch differently. There are also issues when passing variables that have spaces included in literal strings. Most awk commands from the command line are contained within single quotes: '. When passing external shell variables to awk, in the space within the awk command where the variable containing spaces would normally be applied you should embed the shell variable directly into the command by surrounding it with more single quotes. In the following example, the awk command starts with a single quote and then begins a for loop. The counter variable i is set to the initial value of 3 and will continue to loop while i is less than or equal to $end. $end is a shell variable that is embedded between two single quotes. The first of these quotes ends the initial awk statement and the shell is then used to expand the value of the $end variable. The second single quote that follows the $end variable reopens the awk command, which includes the loop increment value as well as the print statements. The final single quote ends the whole awk statement. This example is very simple and nearly the same as the range-printing solution. It illustrates the use of a shell variable within an awk command. The differences are that the ending variable ($end) is passed from the shell environment and it is not contained within the single quotes of the awk command. The shell variable $end is set to the value 6.


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